In this episode we will discuss Volume 2 issues #21 of Kurt Busiek's Astro City titled "Where the Action Is".

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Welcome to Pulp 2 Pixel Media. Exploring the Media Multiverse of Geek Culture! I am Gautam Sheoran, better known as Doctor G the Man of Nerdology, one of the founders of the Pulp 2 Pixel Podcasts. Here at Pulp 2 Pixel media you will find episodes of the many Pulp 2 Pixel podcasts, as well as original art, and game design.
Welcome to the of Secret Sagas of the Multiverse a Pulp 2 Pixel Podcast!
Secret Sagas of the Multiverse is a semi-regular comic book and pop-culture discussion show from the Pulp 2 Pixel Podcasts. I, Dr. G the Man of Nerdology, and my Rouges Gallery of co-hosts will examine a single geek culture topic in depth. We will discuss our personal histories with the topic and our general impressions and recommendations. We will cover topics as comics, movies, books, and TV.
This episode is recorded with a sad heart as we awoke the day of the recording to learn that comic book artist and writer, Steve Dillon had passed away. Dillon had a long career in comics staring in the mid-80's until today and his talent will be greatly missed. In honor of his passing we discuss our recollections of his career from our first exposures to Dillon's work, our favorites of his works, and our recommendations. Though Dillon has passed on we can still honor him by reading and sharing his work.
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