Monday, February 4, 2019

Episode #093 - Marvel Secret Wars and Beyond #28

Marvel's Secret Wars & Beyond is be a monthly show where Sean, Greg, and Doctor G will read & review Marvel's 1984 series Secret Wars as well as the sequels and connected issues.

We covered the much beloved volume 1, and now we are going where we were told no man could go and remain sane: Secret Wars II! Revel in the adventure as the Beyonder journeys to Earth and changes our lives forever!

See the source imagev

In this episode, Sean and Greg review Avengers 266, the epilogue for Secret Wars II. Join us as we discuss the Roger Stern era Avengers, the Molecule Man, noble sacrifices, and why more Avengers don't wear speedos. 

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Check out this episode!

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys! Just finished listening to the episode. Great job as always! But what was the deal with that guest host? You've had such great guests before, but I guess you can't win them all. Oh well.

    Ok, ok, I'll stop. Listening let me relive our great conversation about this issue. I had so much fun that day, and am beyond grateful that you let me join in on the fun. You guys are the best, and if I could join you again on your future projects, I'd be honored.

    Thank you again, and fond (for now) farewell, my Beyondists.
